Aftercare & Recommended Products:

Here are my personal recommendations for tattoo aftercare. Every respectable artist has their own variation, feel free to use mine!

  1. After receiving your tattoo I will cover it completely with a Second Skin adhesive unless you have expressed concerns regarding skin allergies or sensitivities. Plastic wrap will be used instead of the Second Skin in that case and should be kept on for 1-2 hours (proceed to step 2). Please leave the Second Skin on for as long as it allows. I prefer to leave mine on for a week to a week and a half, unless parts of the tattoo are exposed from the Second Skin peeling. In the event that the Second Skin is peeling or exposing airways allowing for water/bacteria to get trapped under - instantly remove the adhesive (next step).

  2. Remove plastic wrap/Second Skin after the appropriate amount of time, under running, warm water. Second Skin should be peeled off slowly (it is recommended that it be removed in the shower).

  3. Give your tattoo a thorough rinse with warm water and gentle soap (baby wash is perfect for the healing process). It is important that the tattoo is patted dry with a paper towel, not a body/hand towel.

  4. Moisturizing: do not over moisturize! You should not be reapplying moisturizer more than 2-3 times a day, with a very thin layer for each application. Vaseline, A&D ointment, and Aquaphor work just fine, but if you are looking to invest in a few finer creams, here are my personal favorites!

    • Hustle Butter: vegan and smells amazing, ultra moisturizing! Great for sensitive skin. Lasts for a very long time!

    • Tat Wax: less greasy application than the HB, while still delivering amazing healed results! Has a sweet smell, a small tin jar lasts a long time!

  5. Healing Process: everyone’s skin is different, as well as the intricacy of their tattoo. At the longest, your tattoo should be healed or close to healed within 1-2 weeks of receiving it. Itchiness, minor scabbing, and minor ink fallout are all normal things to expect! Do NOT scratch at your tattoo, instead pat at it.

    • Avoid exposing your tattoo to direct sunlight, submerging it underwater, or interacting with it as much as possible while it is healing.

    • Gloves should be worn and the hands/arms should be covered during dishwashing, pet washing, or any other activities involving water/cleansing/working (applicable to clients with tattoos in those areas).

    • It is advised for clients who receive confirmation that I AM able to tattoo their hands or any part of their body that is otherwise being used for work to take a few days off from work to fully heal without interruption.